Estrogen deficiency

What is estrogen deficiency?

Estrogen deficiency occurs when the body does not produce enough of the hormone estrogen. This often happens during perimenopause, the period of time leading up to a woman's final menstrual cycle, or menopause, when periods stop completely. It can cause a variety of symptoms including:

Hot flashes - A hot sensation spreading through the upper body, sometimes with sweating and reddening of the skin. Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

Vaginal atrophy - Thinning and drying of the vaginal tissues, which can lead to discomfort especially during intercourse. Lack of estrogen causes vaginal tissues to become less elastic.

Bone loss - Lower estrogen contributes to faster bone loss and more rapid osteoporosis, which increases risk of bone fractures. Estrogen plays an important role in calcium absorption and maintenance of healthy bones.

Sleep disturbances - Night sweats due to hot flashes may interrupt sleep. Women with estrogen deficiency often experience insomnia and reduced quality of sleep.

Low libido - Declining estrogen levels can lead to reduced sex drive and feelings of sexual arousal in some women.

The good news is estrogen deficiency can often be effectively treated with hormone therapies, also called hormone replacement therapy (HRT). At Vitality Hormone Center, our board-certified medical providers use bioidentical hormones tailored to your body's needs to relieve symptoms of estrogen deficiency. With customized compounded hormones and caring support, we can help you seamlessly transition through perimenopause and menopause. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss improving your hormone health and vitality!

Banner image: Woman fanning herself from hot flash symptom

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