
What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body's response to injury or infection. It is a complex biological process that involves your immune system, blood vessels, and other cells.

When tissue gets damaged - like from a cut or bug bite - the body triggers an inflammatory response. This serves to protect and heal the injury.

Acute inflammation happens quickly and intensely, but only lasts for a short while. It causes the classic signs of redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the affected area. Blood vessels dilate and become permeable, allowing white blood cells to quickly travel to the site to fight invaders and remove dead or damaged cells.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is mild but persists over longer periods of time. This can occur if an underlying condition or infection is unresolved. Chronic inflammation contributes to various diseases like arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

When kept in check, inflammation is a helpful part of the healing process. But too much can lead to tissue damage and disease over time. Factors like poor diet, stress, and lack of exercise can all trigger excessive inflammation.

Pro Tip: The experts at Vitality Hormone Center can help you identify potential causes of inflammation and customize a treatment plan to keep your immune system balanced. Book a consultation today to learn more!

To summarize, inflammation is the body's protective response to harmful stimuli like germs or injury. It serves to remove threats, repair tissue, and promote healing. Well-regulated inflammation is beneficial, but too much can become problematic.

With some lifestyle adjustments and smart health decisions, most people can keep inflammation under control. Eating a nutritious diet high in fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce swelling. Quitting smoking, losing weight if overweight, exercising regularly, and effectively managing stress also go a long way.

If inflammation persists despite these measures, consider being evaluated by a knowledgeable physician or naturopath. Uncovering potential underlying issues - like food sensitivities, hormone imbalance, or undiagnosed conditions - is key. Customized treatment plans can then be created to match your specific needs.

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