Unexplained weight gain

Unexplained weight gain can be frustrating and concerning. There are many potential causes to explore if you notice your weight increasing without clear explanation.

What Is Unexplained Weight Gain?

Unexplained weight gain refers to fat accumulation and added pounds that occur even if your eating and exercise habits remain consistent. This differs from expected weight fluctuations related to lifestyle factors.

Some common causes include:

When To See Your Doctor

See your doctor if you have unintentional weight gain of:

They can help uncover any underlying medical conditions and offer appropriate treatment options.

Blood tests can check for thyroid dysfunction, prediabetes, Cushing's disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and other issues. Your doctor may adjust current prescriptions or order imaging tests to investigate further.

If hormone imbalances are interfering with your weight, the experts at Vitality Hormone Center can help diagnose the root cause and customize treatment ranging from lifestyle changes to bioidentical hormones. Contact us today for your free consultation. We're here to listen and help you achieve optimal health!

Take control of your weight, seek help now.

What You Can Do

Alongside medical care, focus on healthy lifestyle strategies proven to reduce unexplained weight gain:

Be patient yet proactive. It may take some trial and error under medical supervision to tackle the underlying source and shift your body toward healthy weight regulation again. But identifying and addressing the root problem is worth it!

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